Brett Altena - Team Leader, Meeting Facilitator, and Computer Vision Developer

My mentor and I came up with this idea of a pancake making robot after approaching him my sophomore year. I have been actively working on robotic projects each year foucsing on artificial intelligence utilizing data analytics. My future career will be based in Software Engineering either using object-oriented programming of developemnt of Big Data analysis tools. I enjoy listening to audio books, playing sand volleyball, and challenging my friends to any kind of game.
My Portfolio can be found: Here
My LinkedIn can be found: Here
Drew Caneff - Finance Manager and Electromechanical Engineer

I am a Senior in Electrical Engineering with a General Business Minor and diverse experiences both in the College of Design and Life Sciences. I am passionate about many fields within Electrical Engineering, but currently specialize in both biomedical applications as well as nanotechnologies. Outside of Engineering I have contributed in several fields my favorite being the performance of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells where I am listed as a contributor of a conference paper published in 2015. On my own and in teams I have contributed in several projects ranging drastically from wearable technology to robotic applications for home use, however, I especially enjoyed helping a design team create a mobile night club capable of syncing lights to music. I love to be given challenges which require innovative solutions, so much so that at times it is impossible to pull me away from my work. Some of my closest friends often joke about my work ethic as one of my most used phrases includes “can’t stop won’t stop” whenever I’m asked why I can’t take a break from a particularly interesting task.
My Portfolio can be found: Here
Amos Hunter - Meeting Scribe and Electromechanical Specialist
I am interested in controls and automation, especially robotics and building/factory automation. I am a senior in Electrical Engineering and look forward to a career in this field. I enjoy electronics projects, music, and spending time with my friends and family. I view this project as a challenge which will prepare me some more for the workforce and beyond.
My Portfolio can be found: Here
Jase Grant - Assignment Manager and Embedded Systems Engineer

I am a computer engineering major and my intrest is in the embedded systems side of computer engineering. Working with FPGA's, network connection capabilities and coding of the of those systems are my biggest intrests. I am a senior at Iowa State University and I am anxious to do this for the restaurant my career and the rest of my life. This is why I am so excited for this project becasue it is exactly what I hope and want to do in the future.
Kristian Wadolowski - Report Manager and Front End Developer

I'm a software engineering major with an interest in automation, data analysis, and data management. I enjoy actively exploring and learning about cultures, languages, and global perspectives. I have experience with 5 languages, and I'm conversational in 2. I enjoy keeping up with economic, political, and scientific events, and love discussing them with an open mind.